124: Episode 124 – Ryan Whitley on a Passion to Make Disciples & Erasing Millions in Debt to Unleash Generosity

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This week on the podcast, Mark and Andy get the chance to have a great conversation with Ryan Whitley. Ryan serves as the Pastor of Crosspoint Church in Trussville, Alabama. In this episode, you will be encouraged by Ryan’s story of church planting, pastoring the same church for twenty-five years, transitioning in leadership, the importance of disciple making, and how stewardship and generosity have become hallmarks of God’s work among the people of Crosspoint. Listen and be blessed!

Ryan mentioned that he is available for anyone who listens to this episode and would like to contact him here

Quotes from this week’s episode…

“I had to transition my leadership. I went from a pastor, to a visionary, to a church planter, to I don’t know what I would be now… I guess I would be a campus pastor now.”

“I would say the best change we’ve made is whatever we didn’t do last year, we evaluated this year to see if it was worth doing again.”

“The number one disciple maker in the church is the pastor, and if he is not making disciples, no one else is going to.”

“The number of people in your disciple making pipeline is not what matters. What matter is, what kind of disciple are you making?”

“We have a river of stewardship. We give to the ministry stream, the missions stream, and the mortgage stream.”

“I’ll give you a clue on people who leave. Send them away the way you want to welcome them back.”

“I’m afraid that what a lot of pastors do, is you advance too much and you don’t establish enough.”