40: Episode 40 – Andy & Mark on Discipleship Curriculum and Sermon Prep

On this week’s special Thanksgiving episode, Mark and Andy talk about what they are thankful for, and they answer a couple of common questions from our listeners. We hope you enjoy their conversation, and we pray that you, your family, and your church family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Would you like to give us suggestions on topics, ask us questions, or suggest someone for us to interview? Do you need help with something we mentioned on today’s podcast? Contact us at markandandy@churchleadershippodcast.com

Resources mentioned in this episode:


“If you ever hear us say, ‘Ow’ during the podcast, it’s probably because we are pinching each other. Like, is this real? Are we really here right now?”

“Listen, if there’s a question you have, if there’s a topic you’d like to hear covered, if there is a person that you would love to hear an interview from… we would love to hear your feedback.”

“I don’t want you to hear us saying that curriculum is evil. That’s not what we are saying. But here’s what we do know, from experience and looking at the research… The number one factor in someone’s depth of maturity and their spiritual growth is the level of bible engagement.”

“Life together trumps content, every time.”

“Life together trumps content, every time.” — Mark Gainey on the Church Leadership Podcast
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“That is going to be the greatest source of your sermon preparation, is your own personal, ongoing relationship with Jesus, your relationship discipling and leading your family…”

“That is going to be the greatest source of your sermon preparation, is your own personal, ongoing relationship with Jesus, your relationship discipling and leading your family…” –Andy Frazier on the Church Leadership Podcast
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“If you put the time into plan and be organized on the front end, what you’ll find is (especially the more you do this) the less time it takes you during the week to prepare your messages and sermons.”

“You don’t make disciples, solely by preaching. So, make sure you balance your time.”

We are thankful for each and every one of our listeners. Happy Thanksgiving!