#42: What Is The Number One Challenge To Making Disciples?

In this episode, Robby and Chris look at the latest research on what are the challenges to disciplemaking and discipleship in the local church.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • Why disciplemaking is the key to being a healthy Church.
  • Why you can’t expect your people to do something you don’t emulate.
  • Why a lot of pastors don’t have a vision for discipleship.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

  • “Spiritual growth requires a lot of work.” – @rgallaty
  • “The goal of a Church is to produce disciples.” – @rgallaty
  • “We try to win people with convenience, and then wonder why people won’t commit” – @ChrisSwain73
  • “Pastors who will champion discipleship from the pulpit are not engaging in it personally” – @rgallaty
  • “Discipleship is not a class you take, but a course for your life.” – @rgallaty

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