#44: The Number One Question We Get at Replicate

In this episode, Robby and Chris discuss how to create a system to make disciples in the local church. Replicate trains pastors all around the world, and this is the top question we always get.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • How to implement processes to create the results you want to see.
  • Why you should do an investigation of your discipleship system in your church.
  • Why older churches can often struggle to making disciples when a new pastor comes on staff.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

  • “What kind of process/system do you have in place to make disciples?” – @rgallaty
  • “The challenge for leaders, once they recognize the process, is clearing the deck to implement.” – @chrisswain73
  • “Discipleship is a map, not a menu.” – @rgallaty

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