#55: Building A Compelling Team

In this episode of the Making Disciples Podcast, Robby and Chris talk about building an all-star ministry team.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • Why you should invest in your team like Jesus did.
  • If you invest in your people, they will begin to invest in others.
  • How pastors of larger churches can keep investing in their staff.
  • Why your team has to weigh in on the strategy in order to have buy in.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

  • “If you want to put together a compelling team, you need to spend time with them.” – @rgallaty
  • “Pastor, you need to smell like your sheep.” – @rgallaty
  • “If you want to see your organization grow, one of the sticking points might be your leadership capacity.” – @rgallaty
  • “People work is more important than paperwork” – @rgallaty
  • “If you want to risk changing the culture, hire from the outside. If raise up from the inside, you preserve the culture.” – @rgallaty

This Episode’s Sponsor:

  • Feeling unequipped for marriage ministry? Woo Marriage is here to help. Backed by research and designed with your church in mind, Woo Marriage provides Christ-centered marriage coaching for your entire church. Get your first month free with offer code LEADERSHIP at WooMarriage.com/FreeTrial.

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