#70: A Powerful New Resource

In this episode of the Making Disciples Podcast, Robby and Chris talk about Robby’s upcoming book: Recovered: How an Accident, Alcohol, and Addiction Led Me to God. It’s set to be released on October 15th, 2019. It can be pre-ordered from Amazon.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • How a life of addiction led Robby to Christ.
  • Why sobriety without Christ is impossible to maintain.
  • How readers of all backgrounds will find the book compelling and helpful.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

  • “Sobriety without Christ is a dead end street” – @rgallaty
  • “No one starts out taking pain meds and then wants to end up stealing from their family.” – @rgallaty
  • “Most of us know someone who’s been affected by the opioid crisis.” – @chrisswain73

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