In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Chris talk about the idea that your church is a ship, and you need to identify who’s on it in order to keep moving.
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- How people in our churches move in different directions.
- How to identify the various types of people in your church
- Why you should focus on certain groups to keep the whole church moving.
Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):
- “The stowaways are looking for a leader ” – @chrisswain73 (10:41)
- “Don’t spend a lot of time with pirates” – @rgallaty (20:13)
Additional Resources:
- Discipleship Blueprint 2.0
- Disciplemaking Jumpstart
- 4 Kinds of Church Members and How They Relate to Your Church’s Mission4 Kinds of Church Members and How They Relate to Your Church’s Mission
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