125: Episode 125 – Mark & Andy on What We Didn’t Learn in Seminary: Marketing the Church

Today’s episode is brought to you by our partners at Samford MTI. To learn more about their exciting program and to receive 50% off of the disciple making certificate, visit Samford.edu/go/mti and use the discount code: ALSBOM

Thanks to all who are listening and watching the Church Leadership Podcast! This week, Mark and Andy continue their series, “What We Didn’t Learn in Seminary,” as they discuss Church Marketing. Door hangers, billboards, newspapers, websites, attractions churches, and social media are topics of the discussion this week. Is promoting and marketing your church wrong? If it isn’t wrong, how should a church go about doing this the right way? We answer these questions, and we give some helpful things to do and not do, when it comes to marketing your church. The greatest method for promoting your congregation is word of mouth from passionate disciples sharing about what God is doing in and through your local church. We hope this episode helps those of you who are leading and promoting the local church.

If you want more information about technology, social media marketing, websites, or general help promoting your church, Mark and Andy would love to hear from you. You can email them at contact@churchleadershippodcast.com Or you can visit  https://inciteministries.org to see ways this ministry can partner with you.

Here are a couple of the resources we mentioned in this episode:

Quotes from this week’s episode…

“We don’t believe in building attractional churches. We do not believe in building a consumer-driven church… Marketing, for me, is more about missions than anything else.”

“We are trying to reach people, for Christ, to make disciples. That’s really what marketing for me is all about.”

“Any kind of marketing you do for your church, view it as pre-evangelism.”

“What we are trying to do is give people an open invitation to come and be with us.”

“Word of mouth is still the best form of marketing and advertising.”

“Don’t promise what you’re not.”

“All of us have the ultimate thing to offer, and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

“We want to see God glorified, as more churches embrace disciple making and more people hear the gospel.”