In this week’s episode, Mark and Andy have a great discussion with Pastor David Jones. David is the pastor of Prospect Baptist Church in Eclectic, Alabama. The conversation covers topics ranging from ministry to finances and family.
- His words of wisdom were, ‘He will never call you into anything that He doesn’t call your wife into as well.’
- I got pretty high in the corporate ladder, and God was divinely preparing me for the ministry I thought I was called to at twenty-one.
- About eighteen months into this lucrative career, God began to woo me back to into that calling that I believe He was calling me to at twenty-one. But at that time, I didn’t want it. Because I had established a very comfortable lifestyle with a high income, and could basically do really anything I wanted to do.
- He said it deep in my soul. He said no man can serve two masters. You’ll love the one and hate the other. David, you can’t serve Me and your current god.
- In the business world, you’ve heard the saying: Success breeds success. Well, when people see the faithfulness of Christ in their lives, they want more of it. And they’re gonna do what is necessary in order to get more of that.
- There’s a myriad of reasons that fear keeps you from being obedient to God, but faith is a tool of Christ.