25: Episode 25 – Mark & Andy Share About a Disciple-Making Pathway, Pt. 1

In this week’s episode, you will get to listen in on a breakout session that our co-hosts led recently at the Summit for Church Leaders for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions at Shocco Springs in Talladega, Alabama. During this session with pastors and church leaders, Mark and Andy taught on how to implement a disciple-making pathway in your church. This episode is the first half of the presentation. Make sure to check out next week’s episode for the second half of their discussion.

You can access the handout here.

Here are the example pathways from Andy & Mark’s churches:

If you would like assistance in developing and implementing a discipleship pathway in your church, feel free to contact Mark and Andy at info@churchleadershippodcast.com

Also, be sure to listen to next week’s episode for an exciting announcement concerning discipleship in the state of Alabama!