39: Episode 39 – Daniel Edmonds on a Disciple-Making Movement

When you listen to this week’s episode, you will get to hear from one of Mark & Andy’s biggest encouragers and influencers, Daniel Edmonds. Daniel serves as a State Missionary with the
Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and is the Director of the Office of Sunday School and Discipleship. Along with serving in these areas, Mark, Andy, and Robert Mullins serve on the Lead Team for the Disciple Making Ministries with Daniel. 


“Here’s the thing, I have never understood Sunday school apart from disciple making.”

“Disciple making is the responsibility of every state missionary, of every pastor, of every Christian, and every person who is following Christ.”

“The issue at hand is that most pastors have not been discipled to make disciples.”

“The issue at hand is that most pastors have not been discipled to make disciples.”–Daniel Edmonds on the Church Leadership Podcast
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“For most of us, as ministers, it’s the proclamation, the message that we’re good at. The methodology or process is almost alien.”

“I had pastors after that go, ‘How have I missed this all these years?’”

“We’re more oriented towards pulpit than process…”

“I think we are at that point, the movement is growing enough, that we can have people close enough to you that you can build relationships.”

“You’re right. This is more crock pot than microwave. It’s more smoker than stove.”

“My mantra through the years, even when I was the Sunday School guy, was: start small,  do it right, build it strong.”

“My mantra through the years, even when I was the Sunday School guy, was: start small,  do it right, build it strong.” –Daniel Edmonds on the Church Leadership Podcast
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“If we learn to love the masses and lead the few, who will help us reach the masses, then what a Kingdom difference that will make.”

Find out about the first ever Alabama State Discipleship Conference and register soon, because spots are limited: ALDiscipleshipConference.com