542: S10 Ep. 3 – Principles for Effectively Ministering to Hurting People (feat. Melanie Wise and Marshall Gallagher)

This episode features Melanie Wise and Marshall Gallagher of Mercy Multiplied giving their third track session at our National Disciple Making Forum. Discipling someone who is hurting is much more complex than just helping them fix their eternal issues/struggles. We’re called to help others discover the root causes to their struggles and to disciple them into a relationship with Jesus where He can bring healing and transformation at a root level in their lives. In this session, Melanie and Marshall unpack the concept of the “why” behind people’s “what.” They also dive into the importance of understanding the source of people’s pain, how Jesus responded to hurting people, and how to love someone who is struggling well (including key principles of listening and responding to them).