682: Discovering the Third Truth of a Biblical Man (feat Tim Brown, Kurt Souder)

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In this episode, Tim continues to address the problem of men not understanding biblical manhood. The traditional answer, centered on performance and duty, is not resonating with men today, leading many men to feel confused and disconnected from their faith. Let’s let Tim share some insights with us on how we can begin to foster biblical understanding and spiritual growth in our churches.

The episode focuses on the question ‘What is a biblical man?’ and discusses the inadequacies of traditional performance-based definitions. With statistics showing that men are disengaging from church activities and leadership, the speaker introduces three truths to redefine biblical manhood: understanding one’s identity as a child of God, living life through Jesus, and viewing life from God’s perspective. The speaker mentions a new model called ‘The Man Journey’ and emphasizes the need for identity and spiritual growth over performance. Discussions include the importance of scripture immersion, role modeling, group dynamics, and accountability. The session also highlights effective biblical study tools, discipleship, and the significance of transparent leadership to foster true spiritual growth.


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Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction and Current Challenges

00:59 The Problem with Performance-Based Definitions

02:13 The Man Journey: A New Approach

02:47 Insights from a Men’s Pastor

04:36 The Three Truths of Biblical Manhood

04:49 Understanding Identity in Christ

05:42 Living by the Life of Another

07:23 Freedom to Fail and Its Impact

09:37 Viewing Life from God’s Perspective

23:18 Practical Applications and Group Dynamics

27:20 Understanding Identity in Christ

28:09 Modeling and Transformation

29:02 Sharing Personal Stories

31:10 The Importance of Vulnerability

37:11 Encouragement and Accountability

41:39 Vision and Discipleship

47:08 David’s Example of God’s Perspective

Resources on Discipleship

Becoming a Disciple Maker

Biblical Study Tools: https://discipleship.org/resources/ebooks/ 

Defining Discipleship: https://discipleship.org/bobbys-blog/the-definition-of-disciple/