7: Episode 7 – Russell Klinner

In this episode, Mark and Andy sit down and talk with Russell Klinner, Executive Director of Shocco Springs, a premier Christian Conference Center in Talladega, Alabama. This conversation raised some important issues concerning rest and why it is so important for leaders.


  • “It’s about getting out there and removing those normal distractions of life that you have.”
  • “We exist to provide an environment for God to divinely intersect people for eternal life change.”
  • “We have 867 acres. We have over 40,000 guest each year. We can house 1500 on campus at at time.”
  • “I think it is important for us to take that biblical example that Christ gives us, and get away.”
  • “I got to spend about two and a half hours with a kid who has seen more in life than I’ll ever see, and I got to share the Gospel with him.”
  • “That’s what it’s about. It’s not about facilities and bazooka ball and wet willy. Throw that stuff away. It’s about that minute that God eternally changes somebody.”
During this episode, Russell mentioned wanting to provide an opportunity for pastors to get away. Shocco is now offering this! Shocco wants to be a place of solitude for pastors. They have two fully-furnished apartments ready and waiting for any pastor for a free retreat with them— no strings attached, no expectations. Sit by the lake, find a trail, hang a hammock, find solitude.  Click here for more information.