#73: Discipling Millennials – Part 1

In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Dylan talk about the challenges of discipling millennials, understanding church trends regarding them, and how to make church relevant for them.
After you listen to this episode, answer this question on social media: “Can you disciple someone online? If so, should you”. Tag us (@replicatemin) so we can connect.

In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

  • How to C.A.R.E. about millennials
  • What motivates millennials
  • Why weekly church attendance declining isn’t about people leaving the church

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

  • (2:30) “70% of the careers millennials will have have not even been invented yet” – @rgallaty
  • (3:55) “You can’t reach millennials today with the same techniques that we used is generations previously” – @rgallaty
  • (4:12) “The days of just having a good sermon, decent worship, a good children’s program, and opening the doors to the community, and expecting everyone to come in – those days are over.” – @rgallaty

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