In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Chris talk about finding the right people for your discipleship groups
In This Episode, You’ll Discover:
- Why multiplication is the key part of a discipleship group.
- Without multiplication, you aren’t really a discipleship group
- How to encourage your people to find the people for their group.
- The difference between a Christian and a disciple.
- Why the Discipleship Covenant is critical.
Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):
- (3:42) “The very first command God gave was to multiply.” – @rgallaty
- (4:20) “The very last command of Jesus was to make disciples.” – @rgallaty
- (8:30) “Your people are never going to feel ready.” – @rgallaty
Additional Resources:
- Discipleship Group Covenant
- Discipleship Blueprint 2.0
- Disciplemaking Jumpstart
- Replicate E-Quipping Cohort
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